The ABNA Committee


The ABNA is a voluntary organisation that relies on the unpaid hours of it's committee and sub-committee members to provide resources and networking opportunities to the biobanking community. To become a member and ensure that we can continue to provide these opportunities, please click HERE

All feedback about the conference and website can be directed to:

Please join our Annual General Meeting (see program- all welcome) to hear more about what we have done, and our plans for the future!


Special thanks to this year's Conference Organising Committee members, who have worked above and beyond to ensure that our biobanking colleagues across Australasia have the opportunity to network and gain up-to-date information from our industry partners and speakers.

The 2021 ABNA Management Committee are:

Anusha Hettiaratchi - President

Cassandra Griffin - Vice President

Valerie Jakrot - Treasurer

Catherine Kennedy - Treasurer

Helen Tsimiklis - Treasurer

Ussha Pillai - Secretary

Nina D'Vaz

Samantha Higgins

Wayne Ng

Georget Reaiche-Miller

Leanne Wallace

Li Zhou